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Golem Run [Preview]

There’s a certain darkness that seems to shroud everything emerging from Dragon Dawn Productions’ forge. Their games exude a ghastly atmosphere. It is drenched in themes that… I don’t know… feel pulled straight from the shadowy recesses of a mythical netherworld. Golem Run may still carry the DNA of its dark and gritty dwarves society with whatever dwelling along in their deep caves. But this time, it brings us closer to the surface. Perhaps, there’s no place to conjure a racetrack in the underworld.

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Nightmares of Sushi [Review]

Bei Good Spirit Games zeichnet sich ein Genrewechsel ab. Es scheint so. Nachdem sie sich in die düstere Welt der Gangster gewagt hatten, haben sie den Kurs gewechselt. 2023 wurden wir in ihrem neuen Spiel in eine leichtere, geradezu skurrile Stimmung versetzt. Letztes Jahr war *Nightmares of Sushi* eine echte Überraschung. Und das wirft eine spannende Frage auf: Wie bekommt man überhaupt Albträume von Sushi? Es ist doch eine großartige Küche. Scheint harmlos zu sein.

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Snow Planner [Preview]

Snow Planner is, at its core, a game of simplicity. Everything lies on the table. It’s straightforward generating resources to pay and optimising our moves with it. Despite the straightforward nature, it still offers a bit of complexity. Just a sprinkle of it. And let’s not confuse the simplicity and less complex bits with a lack of depth. Complexity itself is not linear with the latter part. 

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Dawn [Review]

I imagine some gamers might take their first step into the board game world with more accessible games. Social deduction is one of the entry points. Easy to learn and ready-to-play in just a few minutes of explanation. We are granted some big titles, one of them being The Resistance. Of course, I would not forget the more classic Werewolf, which for some of you maybe more well-known as Mafia. These are undoubtedly fun games. However, they share one particular trait that Taylor Hayward has notably refined in Dawn.

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Shallow Sea [Preview]

Das Meer ist unheimlich und seine rätselhaften Bewohner ebenso — aber verwechseln Sie die beunruhigenden Wunder der Unterwasserwelt nicht mit Monotonie. Unter den Wellen gibt es eine ganze Welt, die vor lebendigem Leben nur so strotzt. Shallow Sea taucht tief ein in das farbenfrohe Spektakel des Great Barrier Reef. Seine Pracht entfaltet sich auf Ihrem Tisch. Es ist eine Herzensangelegenheit von Bad Comet Games, dem südkoreanischen Studio, das für visuelle Opulenz bekannt ist. Dieses Spiel scheint ihre bislang atemberaubendste Kreation zu sein. 

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An interview with Michael Raftopoulos, MOB Vanguard [News]

We had the pleasure of interviewing none other than Michael Raftopoulos, the founder and co-owner of MOB Vanguard. The company is well-known for specializing in board game licensing. And they have been working tirelessly to bring games to a global audience, negotiating localization and publishing deals are their bread and butter. Making sure your favourite titles are available in your own language. I think breaking language barriers is their hobby. 

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ADAPTOID 24 [Review]

If there’s one moral lesson I can cherry-pick from most horror sci-fi movies as a fellow scientist, it’s definitely this one: tampering in genetic level is a perilous endeavour. Genetic modifications, albeit its allure of creating new life forms based on our images, comes with a catastrophic risk. TL;DR — it’s not worth it. Alas, here we are again, facing the consequences. After 23 failed attempts, the last one unleashes havoc. This is Adaptoid 24. The message still remains — never play God.

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Dragon vs Kingdom [Preview]

Dragon vs Kingdom is, as the title suggests, about a furious dragon facing off against a kingdom. Or a bunch of them, actually. Each player receives his/her own sheet — it represents his/her dragon’s side. Meanwhile, the rest of the player will act as the kingdoms’ rulers on that dragon’s sheet. It might sound like a complex setup at the first glance, but practically, it’s much more straightforward. And what’s important: it’s entertaining. 

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