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ADAPTOID 24 [Review]

If there’s one moral lesson I can cherry-pick from most horror sci-fi movies as a fellow scientist, it’s definitely this one: tampering in genetic level is a perilous endeavour. Genetic modifications, albeit its allure of creating new life forms based on our images, comes with a catastrophic risk. TL;DR — it’s not worth it. Alas, here we are again, facing the consequences. After 23 failed attempts, the last one unleashes havoc. This is Adaptoid 24. The message still remains — never play God.

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Old Salt [Review]

In many wargames, the designers dive into historical facts. Their aim to recreate those events is complimented with some possible what-if scenarios that alter the course of events. Yet, I long for another approach. I believe there’s value in using fiction as a background story for this kind of game.

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