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Shallow Sea [Preview]

Das Meer ist unheimlich und seine rätselhaften Bewohner ebenso — aber verwechseln Sie die beunruhigenden Wunder der Unterwasserwelt nicht mit Monotonie. Unter den Wellen gibt es eine ganze Welt, die vor lebendigem Leben nur so strotzt. Shallow Sea taucht tief ein in das farbenfrohe Spektakel des Great Barrier Reef. Seine Pracht entfaltet sich auf Ihrem Tisch. Es ist eine Herzensangelegenheit von Bad Comet Games, dem südkoreanischen Studio, das für visuelle Opulenz bekannt ist. Dieses Spiel scheint ihre bislang atemberaubendste Kreation zu sein. 

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Dragon vs Kingdom [Preview]

Dragon vs Kingdom is, as the title suggests, about a furious dragon facing off against a kingdom. Or a bunch of them, actually. Each player receives his/her own sheet — it represents his/her dragon’s side. Meanwhile, the rest of the player will act as the kingdoms’ rulers on that dragon’s sheet. It might sound like a complex setup at the first glance, but practically, it’s much more straightforward. And what’s important: it’s entertaining. 

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Old Salt [Review]

In many wargames, the designers dive into historical facts. Their aim to recreate those events is complimented with some possible what-if scenarios that alter the course of events. Yet, I long for another approach. I believe there’s value in using fiction as a background story for this kind of game.

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Nilo [Review]

For centuries, if not millennia, El Rio Nilo, or the Nile River, has symbolized prosperity and the lifeblood of Egyptian civilization. Its significance is chronicled in the Book of Exodus. From the infant Moses drifting in a reed basket to prevent death out of the Pharaoh’s decree, to the first of the Ten Plagues of Egypt, where the river turned into blood. So paramount the importance of Africa’s longest river, even GDM Games desires to romanticize and capture the founding and flourishing of civilizations along the Nile’s banks. Nilo will narrate this story.

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