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Chock-A-Block [Review]

Chock-A-Block exhibits an unexpected degree of strategic depth. We begin with an initial hand of two cards, and from this, we form the foundation of our respective apartment block. The game imposes placement restrictions on Block cards. Well, at least for the default game rule. This thoughtful constrains is the source of the depth. The construction space is limited to four blocks high and three blocks wide only. And the placement must adhere to the rule of gravity. That means, no floating structures allowed.

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Mooncake Master [Review]

The perk that I truly enjoy as an Indonesian of Chinese descent is celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival. Well, we don’t really celebrate it like a party. But it’s a time synonymous with mooncakes. Sharing the cultural ties with the Chinese community in Singapore, it feels fitting that a game centred on this tradition was born: Mooncake Master.

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Snow Planner [Preview]

Snow Planner is, at its core, a game of simplicity. Everything lies on the table. It’s straightforward generating resources to pay and optimising our moves with it. Despite the straightforward nature, it still offers a bit of complexity. Just a sprinkle of it. And let’s not confuse the simplicity and less complex bits with a lack of depth. Complexity itself is not linear with the latter part. 

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