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The Latest Hype: Spiel Essen 2018 [News]

Spiel Essen 2018 is coming next month. The event will be held from 25/10 to 28/10 this year and there’s a lot of things to cover and explore. The official source informed that this year’s event will break the record: it is anticipated that there will be 180.000 visitors coming and at least 11.000 exhibitors registered this year. These exhibitors come from 50 nations, including our beloved country, Indonesia. The visitors will be really pleased to find out around 1.400 new board games in the 80.000 square metres convention area.
The logo of Spiel Essen 2018
What’s the big deal with Spiel Essen? This convention was held for the first time in 1983 and it’s always there until now. It’s a tradition, a symbol that board game will never die. Many publishers and designers come to showcase their masterpieces here. A lot of people coming to buy the exclusive promo materials that will never hit the retail shelf. It gives you the chance to get to know the board game culture from other nations and of course rare board games that might not be available in your region. Just look at how huge the area this exhibition will occupy!
The hall plan of Spiel Essen 2018. It’s big!
Our premiere opening will cover this big deal, mostly the latest cool stuffs released by the publishers all around the globe. We will present ourselves in the event and get you latest update on the spot. So, expect something great coming this winter.

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